
Day 2 done and as Lisa put it we are now 2/3’s done our short.


Again I am amazed at the caliber of people surrounding me, making this dream a reality.

This might be one of my most favourite photos of ALL TIME because it’s us, in action, making a movie and I just love it.

Lisa is explaining something to myself, Amanda, and Peter (the A.D.)
Photo credit goes to KJ – she is a doll!!

PS – as it says in the comments I realize 66.33333 is not 2/3’s 🙂

6 thoughts on “66.3333333333333333333333333333333

  1. michelle

    1) i love your hair. the bangs are super cute, and the colour works, unlike terrible “i’m in highschool and dying my hair black” which in my head i imagined it might be like.

    2) what a beautiful expression on your face. it’s so natural looking (i say this because i KNOW you’re a need-to-pose-er)

    3) man, your arms are looking really muscular and fit!

    1. 1) Hahaha high-school Shelle certainly liked her blue-black, or just blue, or RED!

      2) agreed

      3) thank you 🙂
      I love you. I’m so glad it’s the final countdown! 13 days 10 hours 15 minutes 40 seconds as I post this.

    1. Haha – yeah I guess I should’ve mentioned that part. At first Lisa said we were 66% of the way through and then someone corrected her saying, “Technically it’s 66.33333%” and then that person was mocked for being an incorrect smart-ass, good times 🙂

      I was so out of it that my brain inverted the numbers entirely, making 66% into 33% and I had a half-second freak-out thinking we had to finish two thirds of the film all on Sunday… oh gee

      The shoot went better than I could have ever hoped. I am so excited to see it. So excited! (and happy)

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